

  • Musician's Earplugs

Custom fit earplugs, worn by many musicians, are made from an impression of the ear canal taken by an audiologist to have a mold made. Custom earplugs are comfortable, easy to wear, and filter sound much better than disposable plugs. They include a special filter that lets the listener hear music at a safe level without sacrificing sound quality. Instead of cutting out just the high frequencies, musician's plugs lower all the frequencies evenly in relation to your hearing. People who should consider Musician's Earplugs include: musicians, sound crews, recording engineers, nightclub employees, and other music industry professionals.

  • Foam / Putty Earplugs

If custom molded earplugs are not an option, most pharmacy stores carry foam and putty style earplugs, which do help and are very inexpensive. However you will find that things will sound "muffly" or "hollow".

  • In Ear Monitors

In Ear Monitoring systems provide quality stereo sound by eliminating external background noise. What you hear is exactly what the music/instrument produces. They allow superior attenuation and comfort for everyday use within the music performance field. They are excellent for all musicians, audio engineers and music fans listening to iPod's, MP3 players, or a similar device. However, having the In Ear Monitor volume at a loud level can be harmful to your ears.

Some information taken by permission from H.E.A.R. The information provided by H.E.A.R. is not intended nor is implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a hearing condition.

The above information thankfully comes from the at the following link.