
Here are signs and symptoms of otitis media

In most cases, especially in children otitis media is not easily detected due to their inability to explain or identify what bothers them. However, Otitis media and other ear infections are generally signified by pain, discomfort and itchiness in the area of the ear. Common signs that may suggest otitis media in children includes:

· Ear discharge

· Balance loss

· Fever

· Unusual irritability

· Sudden and temporal hearing impairment

· Sleeplessness or difficulty sleeping

· Dizziness

In most patients, ear infections may only lasts up to 3 - 5 days, but the hearing impairment may vanish a week after the actual infection. Even though it is more prevalent in children and referred to as children's ear infections, otitis media can also affect adults, in fact people of all ages.

The above information thankfully comes from the at the following link.