
Ringing in the ear – do you suffer from ear ringing ?

If you do you are most certainly not alone some 66 million Americans also experience tinnitus the medical term for a ringing in the ears.

Most people experience a ringing in the ear at some time in their lives and most don't even give it a second thought as it is a temporary phenomenon. The condition has many possible causes, foremost amongst these are exposure to noise.

Have you ever noticed how often your ears are ringing after attending a concert or going to a loud night club or pub ? You know that is from the loud noise right but you say to yourself "If it goes away in a couple of hours, or a couple of days, thats OK..."

The problem is that even if the ears ringing after a concert does go away, the damage is cumulative damage is happening with each exposure to noise.

Every time your ears ring after going down to your local pub, you are in effect adding to the damage and eventually you may end up with high frequency hearing loss and tinnitus a permanent ringing of the ears that could well drive you to distraction!

What Happens If It Becomes Permanent ?

What often happens when the ear ringing symptoms just refuse to go away is that it starts affecting every facet of your life and you can really start having health problems as a result of the lowered immune system! For about 17% of the population those constant ringing in the ears sounds that never cease are extremely debilitating.

The condition has no cure although it is possible to find a ringing in ears treatment that is completely safe, affordable and will help enormously in bringing you some respite from the constant ringing in the ears. The most successful of these ear ringing remedies are natural in origin and normally have a base in homeopathy.

The homeopathic ear ringing remedies as supplied by T-Gone Remedies have been successfully treating tinnitus and a ringing in the ear since 1999. We cannot cure ear ringing but we can help reduce the intensity levels of the tinnitus.

What are the symptoms of tinnitus ?

The phenomenon known as tinnitus is subjective and everyone will describe the particular noises they hear differently.

Although the sounds heard are most commonly referred to as a ringing in the ear, most sufferers in fact experience many difference sounds.

Some people will describe the sounds as ringing sounds in the ears, whilst others could describe the noises as a hissing, buzzing, or even a whistling noises in the ears.

Others again will talk about roaring waterfall type noises but others could describe those exact same sounds as rushing noises.

The above information thankfully comes from the at the following link.