The basic symptom of a swimmer's ear is pain in the ear region, which escalates when the auricle (visible part of the ear on the side of your head) is touched or moved.
Other signs and symptoms include :
· Swelling of the ear canal
· Ear blockage
· Intense pain when chewing
· Ear fullness and heaviness
· Decreased hearing
· Ear discharge
· Pain that extends to the neck, face, and a headache
What do I do with my swimmer's ear ?
In the early stages of the swimmer's ear, treatment options may include careful cleaning of the ear canal and ear drops that relegate bacterial growth. But if the ear is too painful, you need to visit your doctor because home treatment may lead to damage of the eardrum if done improperly.
If you had a perforated ear drum before, do not use any eardrops or antibiotics. Perforated eardrums need specialized equipment and expertise for effective cleansing and treatment options. Rather go straight to your otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat specialist) for check ups and treatment options.
Remember, the ear is one of the most sensitive human organs. So please visit your physician if you experience any problems with your ears.
The above information thankfully comes from the at the following link.